Starting Your School Year Right

This is the first weekly tip for you as a leader, mentor and visionary to help reach your campus with the Gospel message.  Here are three goals I want to encourage you with this year:

  1. Make it a goal to have the maximum number of students hear the Gospel message this school year.  How can you do this:
    1. Be sure as many students as possible are trained in using the “Knowing God Personally” booklet  To order: username: thegodsquad, password: 2timothy2
    2. Meet as many people as you possibly can by doing a survey the first week of classes,
    3. Follow-up on each interested person, sharing the “Knowing God Personally” booklet and inviting them to your Bible study on campus
    4. Pray – invite to your home or dorm room anyone who will pray with you and ask God to move in a mighty way on your campus this year.  Ask Him to do something supernatural – unlike anything that has ever happened before.  Pray often and pray big because we have a Big God.
    5. Plan carefully – After you’ve prayed and you have your students gathered, plan well for a great year.  Here are some important tips:

The time is now.  Make a difference this year by being involved in what will last forever – the Word of God and people.

Ben Rivera