Which Bible Study to Choose, Sept. 1st, 2009

Hopefully you’ve had a chance to sharpen your thinking on planning and leading life changing Bible studies on your campus from last weeks tip.  This week I wanted to recommend some Bible studies.  Or you may decide to switch to one of these studies if you’re already started with a study plan already.  Keep in mind that you only have your students for a short one semester to 2-4 years realistically.  Be sure to teach them the most important material first and be cautions of covering material that are more tangents or interesting personal topics.  Cover what is essential and important first because you need to ground them in the Christian faith from the start.

The Connection Series: This is a short (5 week) relational series designed to help you meet new people and help them feel connected to community.   This is not an in-depth series but only a “get your foot in the door” spiritual discussions.  The studies are over everyday issues that students are thinking about like relationships, stress and self-image.  Here’s the link: http://godsquad.com/discipleship/connection.htm If you feel your students are already connected and ready, try one of the two studies below.

The Essentials: A second excellent series if you’re ready for a more serious study to help ground students in the important topics of the Christian faith is called “The Essentials”.  The President of Campus Crusade for Christ wrote this series and they are highly relational, interactive with strong application.  You will want to ground your new students in this series first because it covers many of the foundational issues for Christian growth and maturity.  Be sure to read the leaders manual first to get a feel for how to teach this series.  Here it is: http://godsquad.com/discipleship/essentials.htm

Cru.Com: A final series that I would highly recommend is very extensive and well designed by staff with Campus Crusade.  This series covers many topics that could provide you with good studies for 4-8 semesters at college.   It’s a loaded series.   There are a number of these studies that are free: http://centerfieldproductions.com/downloads/crucomm/ scroll down to the light blue text and that’s the free stuff.  However, to buy the entire series is very inexpensive.  You can purchase the CD and use it extensively on campus with most of your students since you can print off as many studies as you need.

Talk to you next week,
The GodSquad Team/Ben Rivera

Archives of past tips: benrivera.org
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