Making sure your ministry is well advertised each week is an important element throughout your semester. Be sure that anybody who is looking for Christian fellowship or your specific ministry on campus will know how to find you. Do you have posters and flyers up all over campus? Do the students involved with you now have a few flyers in their possession ready to pass out to people they meet who might be interested? Take a fresh look around your campus and see if there are some spots where your posters/flyers should be hanging but maybe they got torn down or covered up.
Try to come up with your own custom poster, but here are some ideas on the GodSquad or Try scrolling half way down this web page for Chico state Look where it says, “Cru Tonight 8:00pm Ayers 106”. This is a ready-made poster with photo and map to cut and paste and turn into a poster if you’re part of the Chico Cru club. If you keep scrolling down the page you’ll see a section on “Bible Studies” and the “1st Meeting”. These can also be turned into posters/flyers. Be creative, include photos of students in your posters and pray that a few new students might come to your meetings. Check out other Campus Crusade campus web pages around the country as well for more ideas for your posters and flyers.
Don’t be afraid to try banners, business cards, radio spots, and sandwich boards. You may need some campus permissions first. Sometimes it takes a student seeing a poster three or four times before they decide to check it out. Be persistent; make sure your posters are hanging every week on campus in appropriate areas. You never know if the next key leader for your ministry will come out because they saw your poster. Exposure for your ministry, maybe you can assign one student to be in charge of this activity.
Talk to you next week,
The GodSquad Team/Ben Rivera
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