Why Start A Christian Movement

Cru Weekly Ministry Tip, Spring 2012, #14

In the book of Mark 16:1-7, we read about the events that occurred when three women came to the tomb after Jesus had risen from the grave. “Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James, and Salome, bought spices, so that they might come and anoint Him.” At this point, an angel of the Lord appeared to the women and everything forever would change in their lives and in God’s divine plan for the world.

The women on their way to the tomb, wondered how they would be able to move the large stone from the opening, but as they drew closer, they noticed that the stone had been rolled away. They decided to look inside and there they saw a young man wearing a white robe. The women were completely amazed and here is what the angel of the Lord told them, “Do not be amazed; you are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who has been crucified. He has risen; He is not here…” verse 6.

Jesus was not there. The Messiah had spilled His blood on the cross at Calvary, forever making atonement for man’s sins, allowing him access to God. Everything had changed because “He has risen; and is not here”. The early church started as groups of believers
banded together. A movement was started because He is no longer in the grave.

This is why churches have been established and why we help start movements on campuses, high schools, metro areas, military bases, prisons and in countries around the world. We have the privilege of telling the world the greatest news that anyone can hear.

Summer Survival

As you begin to think about and plan for your summer, be sure to keep your walk and relationship with God intimate, growing and life changing. Sometimes the summer can be a time where we can fall into old habits and life patterns. Commit to making this summer different. Come back to school in the fall as a growing, fired-up believer, ready to be used by God to help change lives because of the cross of Christ 2,000 years ago. Fall more in love with Jesus, He is always by your side.

At one of the last meetings you will have this Spring term on your campus, consider covering the ideas below:

1. Establish a Bible reading program, everyday if possible, so that God’s Word is entering your mind and heart.
2. Take time to pray regularly. Prayer can change your personal situation according to His will, as well as changing the world.
3. Attend church regularly. We cannot truly survive the temptations of the world unless we are connected to a good community of believers.
4. If you can, establish a Bible study of your own with other friends. Take the lead and cover a Cru.comm study or any study that enriches your relationship with God and with others.
5. Read a book that helps you connect with God is a more intimate way. Here are a few suggestions: “The Knowledge of the Holy” by A.W. Tozer. “Experiencing God” by Henry Blackaby . “The Pursuit of God” by A.W. Tozer .
6. Be sure to collect everyone’s email and cell phone numbers so you can easily text, call or email to stay connected.
7. Start up a Facebook group for your campus or ministry group and encourage everyone to check it regularly.

He is risen; He is not here.

Talk to you next week,

Ben Rivera/CruPressGreen Team