I am reminded of the great God we do serve and His Son whom He sent to earth to die for us. As I write these weekly tips, each tip will start with few of the characteristics of Jesus. We will look at the incomparability of Christ in the book of Hebrews along with several other books.
Hebrews 1:1-2, says: “1 Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, 2 but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world.” ESV
Christ is heir of all things, meaning in Messianic usage, one who receives his allotted possession by right of sonship. All things are subjected to and entitled to Him.
Jesus is also the Creator of the world and the universe – Heb. 1:2,10. Jesus made the world. He made you and me and He was there at the beginning of time, creating the heavens and the earth.
This is the God we serve and whose name we want to proclaim to others. As you reach out to students at your campus this fall, keep in mind you are giving people the amazing opportunity to come into a relationship with the God of the universe and the one who is the heir of all things; the creator of the world.
Your first week of classes:
1. Expose as many students as possible to your Cru ministry on campus.
a. Have a survey table where you can meet hundreds of students. Scroll a ways down and look at the survey called, “We’d Like Your Opinion”, as a good example: http://crupressgreen.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/30-Second-Surveys.pdf
b. Determine the day, time and location of your weekly meetings and any other social events you want to have the first week or two of classes.
c. Print up posters and put them all over campus. Come up with your own creative posters and flyers.
d. Print up flyers to pass out at your survey tables and give them to all your friends and classmates.
2. Have a fun social event to invite all the new people who sign up at your survey table and the students you meet all over campus. This is a great time to connect and start new relationships with students. People will come to a meeting because they want to see their friends.
3. Be prepared to do follow-up with students who sign up at your survey table or other activities.
a. Be trained in the Big Six for how to use the “Knowing God Personally” booklet –
b. Know how to go over the Satisfied booklet with people as well – http://crupressgreen.com/satisfied/
4. Make your weekly meetings and Bible studies the best they can be by following some important guidelines. Look at articles 2-7 in How To Lead A Bible Study – http://crupressgreen.com/cru-comm/
5. Brush up on the article for how to make your first six weeks on campus really count: http://crupressgreen.com/the-first-two-weeks-on-campus/
6. If you don’t know who your staff coach is, call us at 800-678-5462.
Make the most of your first week on campus.
Ben Rivera
Cru Ministry, Orlando