Weekly Ministry Tip #12 Fall 2013
Jesus Makes His Message Clear
During the short time of Jesus active three-year ministry on earth, we find that He has already presented a number of miraculous signs, wonders and miracles. He had turned water into wine, healed many with diseases, cast out demons, had life changing conversations with people, spoke to the crowds, and confronted some of the religious leaders. We will look into many more of these activities in coming weeks and months as we continue to follow the life and work of Christ.
His fame was beginning to spread everywhere. Many were believing in Him and as His disciples were following Him and seeing all of his amazing activities and conversations, they also were believing in Him. You can read the archives of the past weekly tips here: http://www.benrivera.org/
In Mark 1:14-15, Jesus makes a clear and powerful statement to what He has already been saying and which recaps a major emphasis in His ministry;
14 Now after John was arrested, Jesus came into Galilee, proclaiming the gospel of God, 15 and saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.”
Jesus was making it clear that what God had predicted in the Old Testament was coming to pass. He was referring to the present time and the time when the true Messiah would have influence on the world. Jesus was now here to accomplish all that God the Father had called Him to do. The “kingdom” in this passage refers to the worldwide kingdom over which He would rule directly. The kingdom of Christ, which was prophesied in the Old Testament, would never come to an end.
Believing in the gospel was a way of saying, “Believe in the good news that Messiah is here.” Messiah was the subject of the gospel and the object of belief that would bring salvation to the individual. Salvation is found through faith in Christ alone, whose kingdom will never end.
This is our message to share to the world so that those, whom the Holy Spirit has moved in their hearts, would place faith in the Messiah. He would sacrifice His life for the sins of many. Nothing will change people’s lives and their eternal destiny than when they come into a relationship with Christ.
Stay The Course
For all the new people who have joined your ministry from the beginning of the fall, consider doing a second training in evangelism (Knowing God Personally booklet – Big Six) and the Holy Spirit (Satisfied booklet). Help everyone to be prepared to share the gospel message with non-believers and the Satisfied booklet with new believers. These topics are foundational to all we do. Helping people understand the gospel message and all that Christ did while on this earth, will be life changing to those who turn to Him. Stay the course.
Here is the training again:
http://crupressgreen.com/the-big-six-questions-clarifying-the-kgp/ – the article
http://crupressgreen.com/videos/crupress-presents-the-big-six/ – the video training
http://crupressgreen.com/satisfied/ – The Satisfied booklet
http://crupressgreen.com/videos/crupress-presents-theology-of-the-satisfied-presentation/ – video on the theology of the Satisfied booklet
http://crupressgreen.com/videos/sharing-the-satisfied-booklet/ – video training on how to share the Satisfied booklet with others.
Talk to you next week,
Ben with Cru
Orlando, FL