Unlimited Power

Weekly Ministry Tip #14

Unlimited Power


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When you think about the words “unlimited power” the first thing you might think of is that there is no such thing. That is true because you eventually run out of fuel, nuclear power and physical energy. There is no unlimited power. Or is there?

Matthew 7:7-11 says:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened. Or which one of you, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone? 10 Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a serpent? 11 If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him![1]

Prayer is a power source that I believe has no limits because it is based on God our Creator. Much can be said about the attributes of God but the power of prayer to unleash His redemption for the lost, blessings to believers, direction, wisdom, life transformation and much more, is amazing. Below are some cross references to prayer which stem from Matthew 7:7-11:

Mt 18:19 Mt 21:22 Mk 11:24 Jn 14:13 Jn 15:7 Jn 15:16 Jn 16:23Jn 16:24 Jas 1:5 Jas 1:6 Jas 1:17 1 Jn 3:22 1 Jn 5:14 1 Jn 5:15 

Much more can be seen by studying each passage but here is a bullet point summary on these verses:

  • If two or more agree, it will be done for them.
  • Pray in faith and believe.
  • Ask in Jesus name.
  • Abide in Christ.
  • Ask our Heavenly Father that our joy may be made full.
  • As you pray for your requests, be sure to keep His commandments.
  • If we ask according to His will, we know that He will hear us.

If we have this incredible power source, based totally on God, then why don’t we pray more? Jesus ultimate teaching on prayer can be found in Matthew 6:5-15.

Here are some prayer suggestions for you this week:

  1. Pray for your heart, that you would continue to stay fresh in your relationship with God.
  2. Pray for your local pastor and church – that God would protect them and that they would continue to be a light to the community and that lives would be transformed by the Gospel.
  3. Pray for your campus, high school, neighborhood, city, military, jail or other specific ministry situation – that God would move mightily to see many place their trust in Christ and begin to be followed-up in their faith.
  4. Pray for the U.S. – that we would honor God in all our affairs and would continue to be a mighty missionary sending nation.
  5. Finally, pray for the world or for a specific country that God has perhaps placed on your heart – that He would move to lead thousands and millions into a relationship with Him.

We have a great power source in God. His love never runs out.

 Did You know…?


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Consider sending your friends to this site to look for answers, gather information, and ultimately understand the truth about God and the gospel message. The next time you’re with your disciples or non-Christian friends, go to your computer and turn to the EveryStudent.com website.

Together read a specific article and engage them in conversation. Ask lots of questions. Ultimately use this site to help you lead them into a conversation about the Gospel message. Don’t be afraid to ask them if they would like to receive Christ. It might be the last time they are ever asked that question by a friend. Don’t miss the opportunity.

Transferable Concepts


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One of the foundational studies written by Cru’s late founder and president, Bill Bright, is the Transferable Concepts. If you are able to do a 8-9 week study with an individual or group, you would be capturing some of the major concepts every young believer needs to know. This series is written in a short article format and makes it easy for you to ask questions about what they thought and pull out specific points of application.

I have found that these articles are timeless and relevant to all believers, young and old. The reason they’re called “Transferable” is that you can teach them to someone, and they can teach them to others, etc… Everything we do should be as transferable as possible because we want to build multiplying disciples. After all, this was Jesus idea.

Talk to you next week,

Ben with Cru

[1] The Holy Bible: English Standard Version. (2001). (Mt 7:7–11). Wheaton: Standard Bible Society.