A Rock Solid Foundation

Weekly Ministry Tip #18

Rock Solid Foundation










In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus spoke on a number of important topics. He started with the verses beginning with the Blessings or what is called the Beatitudes. Jesus wanted to show that it was the inside that counts – the heart. He went from there to teach about salt and light, the Law, interpersonal relationships, and ethical directives on a variety of topics. He wanted the listeners to have the right heart and actions before God. Jesus gave the ultimate example and perspectives on prayer.  Towards the end of His sermon, He spoke on treasure and seeking His kingdom, judging others, and the narrow gate into heaven.


Jesus Sermon was from God, they were definitive, they explained the spirit behind the law, and overall, the heart and actions He truly desired of His followers. He ends his time by talking about foundations. Here’s what He had to say in Matthew 7:24-29:



Matt 7 A



Jesus desires that we become His children and accept Him as our Savior. He also desires that we follow Him as our Lord by following the foundation of His teachings and the Word of God. Life transformation is what He desires.


Is your foundation on sand or on the Solid Rock?

Ben with Cru