Weekly Tips, Fall 2015
Tip #5, September 18, 2015
An Issue Of The Heart
One can receive much training in evangelism, discipleship, follow-up of new believers, retreats and every kind of ministry preparation. But in all this planning, it does not insure that one will continue to do the ministry for a lifetime. More than instruction and coaching is needed.
It is an issue of the heart. A glimpse of the Apostle Paul’s inner heart comes out in Romans 1:8-10
8 First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith is proclaimed in all the world. 9 For God is my witness, whom I serve with my spirit in the gospel of his Son, that without ceasing I mention you 10 always in my prayers, asking that somehow by God’s will I may now at last succeed in coming to you.
Verse 9 is an indicator of Paul’s inner life. He prayed without ceasing for believers and that he might see them to impart spiritual gifts and be mutually encouraged. The fact that Paul prayed consistently, ministered continually, fought off adversity courageously, and shared the gospel fearlessly, is an indicator of what was happening on the inside.
Paul’s relationship with the living God and a constant view of what Christ did by His death on the cross (read the rest of Romans), drove Paul to persevere in his service to Him. It is the inside and regularly cultivating that relationship with Him, that will help us to serve Him for a lifetime with full joy.
Give Them Your Best Shot First
Guy Gerrard/Worldwide Challenge
When you consider your Bible studies and weekly meetings in your ministry situation, strive to cover with your new and young believers the foundations of the Christian faith first. Teach your disciples principles that will enhance their relationship with God, stand against sin, pray, and be involved in ministry with a solid Biblical foundation.
Rather than starting with more sensational or personal interest topics, cover the basics and essentials first. It is also important to model to all your students how to lead in these prerequisites. If we want to see multiplying disciples who will lead others, be the example to follow by showing them how and why to lead these important studies.
Here are some of the foundational studies to consider covering first:
Don’t forget to include important training:
The Big Six mentioned in the last tip
The Satisfied Booklet – Being Filled With The Spirit
Sharing Your Personal Testimony
Talk to you next week,
Ben with Cru