Multiplying Servant Leadership in Growing Movements

Adapted by Erin Brasher, Destino staff member in NYC

And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. Acts 2:42

  • What are the roles and responsibilities of leadership in your movement now?, What responsibilities do you live out
  • What are areas you hope to see grow in your movement? (culture of evangelism and prayer, multiplying discipleship) “If this changed, I think our movement would grow.”

Roles, Goals, Responsibilities, Relationships

We’re going to talk about 6 responsibilities drawn from the development of the early church that help movements grow, multiply, and realize their vision.


  • The goal of the spokesperson is to make Christ known by paying attention to details & relationships and representing the movement to the broader community.
  • What characteristics would someone need to develop to serve in this role?
    • Listening skills, being aware of opportunities, guiding conversations/interactions, ability to deliver the message (knowing purpose, vision)


  • The goal of the prayer coordinator is to make Christ known through the power of prayer.
  • What are ways to invite others into prayer?
    • Organized time for prayer (separate, specific), time of worship at meetings, prayer box, leadership prayer night once/twice a month


  • The goal of the evangelism coordinator is to make Christ known through the visibility & voice of the Gospel.
  • How have you seen participating in evangelism grow your movement?
    • One day a week (1-2 hours) do evangelism, majority of movement are non-believers, Non-believers keep coming to meetings,
    • Benefits: grows that skill and passion to reach people with the Gospel (for a lifetime)

Bible Content

  • The goal of the Bible content coordinator is to make Christ known through delivering the Word to believers and non-believers.
  • Beyond a weekly gathering, how can you incorporate Bible content in your movement’s growth?
    • Quality time with the Lord, reading Scripture, share what we’re learning, mutual encouragement, Encouraging people to spend time with God daily


  • The goal of the community coordinator is to make Christ known through building bonds and unity.
  • How can you incorporate frequent social gatherings (parties) to build closer relationships?


  • The goal of the coach is to make Christ known by training up leaders who can multiply themselves.
  • To whom can you pass on what you’ve learned about growing a movement?

To Apply

  • Which role do you most gravitate toward? (Spokesperson, Prayer, Evangelism, Bible Content, Community, Coach)
  • Which role takes more effort for you to serve in?
  • What potential do you see in others in your movements to serve in these roles?
  • Choose an area you want to see your movement grow in. What steps can you take this Spring to encourage growth? How can you empower others to take ownership of this area? What resources and opportunities do you need to take action?