Cru Weekly Ministry Tip #3, Fall 2012
There are some observations that we can make when we read Hebrews 1:8, 10
8 “But of the Son he says, “Your throne, O God, is forever and ever…” 10 “And, You, Lord, laid the foundation of the earth in the beginning, and the heavens are the work of your hands;”
1. His throne is forever and ever, Heb. 1:8
2. He laid the foundation of the earth in the beginning, 1:10
3. The heavens are the work of His hands, 1:10
Jesus reign and throne last forever. Do you know of anything else on this earth that will last forever? Jesus is also our Creator. He laid the foundation and put countless stars in the sky. According to Wikipedia, the edge of the observable universe is about 46–47 billion light-years away. We serve a big God. What a great thing to remember as we work to share the gospel message of Jesus with people all over your campus.
Suggestions For Your Bible Study
The content you choose for your Bible study is very important. For perspective, you only have about 15 weeks in each Fall term, or 30 weeks for an entire school year, to conduct Bible studies. Of course this will vary slightly depending on Semester or Quarter schedules. The key is to make sure everyone has had a chance to cover the foundational studies in their relationship and growth with the Lord. Your disciples will then be equipped to share the same studies with their disciples – that’s part of the process called multiplication.
Sometimes our temptation is to go with more appealing or sensational studies such as “Biblical prophecy”, “Evidence for Creation” or “Relationships”. These are all important topics and there is a time to talk about these issues but the key is be sure a good Biblical foundation is laid with your students.
There is no perfect order or sequence to cover in your studies as you progress from week to week, but careful thought needs to be given on the topics. If you bring in an outside speaker, give them specific areas to teach that continue with the suggested foundational Bible studies. You also have the freedom to mix and match these studies for creativity. So here is a list of studies and their purpose and emphasis:
1. Consider the “Essential” study series for covering foundational material with new or young believers. This series was written by Cru’s president, Steve Douglass.
2. For people who are unsure and just checking out Cru, an easy but short series to try is the “Connections Investigative Bible Study”. You can do just two or three, or all five studies. This will help people build relationships with others in the group and encourage them to come back.
3. Our bread and butter Bible study series is the Cru.comm studies. There are enough studies here to last almost four years of college. Consider doing some of the “Discovery Level” series first.
4. Another study series that would give you variety is the “I Am Second” studies. You can creatively use the video testimonies as an icebreaker or opening to a Cru.comm, Connection or Essentials study. The life change testimonies are very powerful and you might ask one or two questions after showing the video to encourage discussion. Then go right into your study.
5. Our one-on-one follow-up series called, “Life Concepts”, can be turned into a Bible study series, which will help you cover some of the foundational topics for new believers.
6. For further advanced study, with perhaps your leadership students, checkout the ten core concepts of the Christian walk at: “Transferable Concepts”. Read or listen to some of them, which were written by our founder, Dr. Bill Bright. Study guides are included at the end of each concept. This may require that your students read or listen to the concept ahead of time and then come together to answer the questions.
These are good suggestions for your Bible study. Be sure that everyone understands the foundations of the Christian life.
Talk to you next week,
Ben Rivera
Cru Ministry, Orlando