Cru Weekly Ministry Tip #12, Fall 2012
In our quick scan of the book of Hebrews as we’ve looked at the supremacy of Christ, we have come to these two wonderful verses on faith in chapter 11:1,6:
1 Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen…
6 And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.
The key thought here is that faith is not what is revealed through the senses but real faith is knowing that God is there even though we can’t see Him. Faith is fully trusting Him. In verse 6 God will prove Himself in that He will reward that person who diligently seeks Him. As we seek God we have the assurance that it will be a benefit to ourselves. We must be active in seeking God but we must also wait for Him and not lose heart. Here are two cross-reference passages on seeking for God and waiting for Him – (Luke 11:5–10, 18:1–8).
The rest of Hebrews chapter 11 is a graphic and historical view of people living and acting out their faith. Seek God everyday and in every circumstance in your life, trust Him and He will reward you in His perfect timing. That is good news for today.
Here Are Some Things To Trust God For This Week
1. Trust God to confirm your leadership for the spring term. This is critical for the longevity of your ministry on campus. How you “pass the baton” of ministry has a big impact on how well your campus does this spring and next year.
A. Be sure you have several students you’re personally discipling and preparing for future leadership. You don’t want to let this ball drop or begin the process late next spring. You need to be working with your next leaders now.
B. Be sure to bathe the future leadership for your campus in prayer.
2. As talked about in the last two weeks, keep your eye on recruiting for the Winter/Christmas conference in your region and begin to look at summer projects for your students.
3. Finally, by faith put some of the responsibility of your ministry into the hands of other student leaders. Try to get more people involved and give them some ownership of the ministry. Delegate as much as you can but be sure to monitor people’s work after you give them specific tasks to do.
Talk to you next week,
Cru Ministry, Orlando