Weekly Tip #10, Spring 2015
17 Things to Know This Spring – #10,
“Plan Well For The Fall – Be Fruitful”
One of the important activities you want to be sure to include is to plan your ministry for the Fall. Here are the reasons you want to plan now:
1. While you have all your leadership together, you can celebrate what God has already done on campus. Evaluate your year and look for ways to be as effective and efficient as possible.
2. As you plan carefully, you are able to hit the ground running once August/September comes along. Your planning will already be done – it’s a matter of implementation.
3. Finally, you build excitement, hope, and unity for the future. Here are some things to think about:
- Help everyone to be on the “same page” strategically by going over the “Win, Build, Send – DNA of Cru” document.
As a group, read and study:
- Optional article – Nine Principles for the First Six Weeks
Make it a goal to do this fall planning in the first or second week of April.
Talk to you next week,
Ben with Cru