How Are You Planning To Invest In Your Summer? – An Option To Think About

Weekly Tip #13, Spring 2015 Cru-10-24-11-MASTER-TM


One Great Option 


As you look forward to approaching the summer season, our hearts should always be to stay on mission with what God has called us to plus walking closely in obedience to Him. We want to minimize temptation and maximize our spiritual growth and witness for Him. Summer Connect may be just right for you.


Summer Connect

Summer Connect

At this point, if you are not actively attending a summer mission’s trip, how will you continue to grow actively in the Lord? That’s where Summer Connect could be really valuable to you.

Click on this flyer to catch the details   →

(Hit the Back button when you’re done)


“The venue for this will be online engagement with material, recorded talks from national leaders, and Sunday Night Live which is a gathering of Summer Connect students from all over the nation. They will be tuning in for a live webcast where Cru national and other Christian leaders will be sharing with these students. There will also be opportunities for discussion and connection with other Summer Connect students afterwards.”


Check out this website to learn more and apply:

At the bottom of this web page be sure to notice these important items:

These three items will answer a lot of your questions and help you decide if this is right for you. Check it out.


Talk to you next week,


Ben with Cru