Bible Study: Four Steps To Begin Your Ministry

Collaborative Bible Study

Four Steps To Begin Your Ministry


“What is it that you enjoy most about being at your ministry location? (For example, your campus, city, neighborhood, work, etc.)?”


Summary: Four keys for a growing ministry.

Read: John 1:35-42  Step 1 – Invite

  1. In verses 35-39, what do you think motivated the disciples of John the Baptist to follow Jesus?
  2. In verses 40-42, what do you observe as the first thing Andrew did?
  3. Why do you think Andrew was motivated to invite others to see Jesus?

(Feel free to ask other exploring and follow up questions for more clarity and application to all 4 steps)

Read: Romans 1:16-17  Step 2 – Tell

  1. Name all the ways that the Apostle Paul describes the Gospel and his motivation for sharing it?
  2. What does that mean for us? (Understanding and memorizing the contents of the gospel message will allow you to share the good news anywhere, anytime.)

Read: John 13:1-5, 12-17   Step 3 – Serve

  1. What was the purpose for Jesus washing the disciple feet?
  2. Symbolically, how do we wash each other’s feet in our ministry?
  3. Break into pairs. Share what you feel are your strengths, gifts, and talents. How are they helpful as you consider what part you might play in this ministry? (Make suggestions: help with prayer, planning, evangelism, meetings, leadership?)

Read: Acts 2:42-47  Set 4 – Belong

  1. What are some of the characteristics that you observe from the early church?
  2. How might you apply or adapt some of the practices of the church to your campus or your ministry situation?


(Big Take Away)

  1. (Review the 4 steps above) Write down how you could apply each step this coming week?” Break up into pairs and share this with another person in the group.

(Think of specific action points for your campus to make this stick. For example; every week ask two people to come to your weekly meeting/Bible study. Share the “Knowing God Personally” booklet once [or more] every week. Find a specific place/position where you can serve. Have a party every other week to create community. Attend the next local/regional fall retreat or conference with Cru)

Application point (if time permits): Train in how to use the Big Six.

Announcements –

Close in Prayer –