Weekly Tips Spring 2019 Tip #4
Colossians 1:13-14
13 For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, 14 in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
Everyone we encounter, unless they have made the decision to believe in and place their trust in Christ, is in the dominion of darkness. The word “dominion”, carries with it the meaning of “to deliver to the control of, to hand over to”. That dominion is that of “darkness”. Darkness carries the meaning, “the realm of sin and evil, darkness”.
In essence, everyone is trapped in this dominion of darkness. But there is one incredible way out, being rescued by Christ, who made peace through His blood, shed on the cross. The key for everyone is to find redemption and forgiveness of sins through placing their trust in Jesus. Be a part of helping to free people from the dominion of darkness. Find someone this week to share the gospel message with. Bring a friend with you.
Bring Lee Strobel To Campus, Author of “Case for Christ”
Well, maybe not live in person but through a recent message he gave at Discover Church in Orlando in February. Lee shared his personal journey in life and spent two years of his life discovering if the resurrection of Christ was true. He shares his 4 “E’s” that summarize the evidence for the resurrection of Christ.
This video would make a great weekly meeting event the week before Easter to help people decide for themselves. It is a powerful and compelling presentation from his personal life that is irrefutable. You can’t argue with someone’s life and testimony. Check it out and see if you can make it happen on your campus, church or ministry situation. Here’s the teaser video clip you can show your people. The entire video message will be posted in next week’s tip.
Talk to you next week,
Ben with Cru