As you begin your Spring semester, go before the Lord and ask Him to help you to step out in areas of ministry that stretch your faith as never before. Throughout history the common factor of all great Christians has been their Radical Faith. The Gospel message we share with others is life changing and eternal – and that’s radical.
Let’s be Radical this Spring. Try to step out in faith in these areas:
1. Sharing your faith with others – be sure to do all you can the first week of classes to meet new people by doing a survey, special meeting or some strategy where you can meet people, collect their names and follow-up on them. Try something no one else has done before.
2. Learn the Big Six (evangelism) and teach it to others. This is foundational to our ministries. Mark out in your schedule to go out sharing once a week. Ask your staff member how to get some “Knowing God Personally” booklets if you don’t have any.
3. Be the best Bible study leader you can possibly be. Learn the techniques and strategies to have great studies that will see students’ lives changed and also see them come back week after week. Read and master the lessons 2-7 “Leading a Small Group”.
4. Advertise your meeting times all over campus in creative and eye catching ways. But be sure to advertise all semester long and not just the first week. Put up new and cutting edge posters people will notice.
5. Finally, commit all you do to prayer. In fact this is the first thing you should do. Gather everyone who is available and spend time committing the campus to the Lord and ask Him to guide and bless your efforts.
During the rest of this semester we will expand and revisit the five points above along with other materials and strategies. But these weekly tips are mainly reminders to help give you some tracks to run on and things to think about week to week.
Go for it and be Radical for the Lord.
Talk to you next week,
The GodSquad Team/Ben Rivera