Once you have carefully planned out the activities of the last two weekly tips, you should be ready to end your school year strong as well as planning for the fall. Now is a good time to celebrate what God has done this year. As you’ve seen God work in your life and in the lives of others, plan your final weekly meeting as a party.
Graduating Seniors – All Callings
If you are graduating this summer, there is a new web page just for you:http://allcallings.com/pages/about. All Callings was designed to help you continue to stay connected with others and remain involved in some kind of ministry through accountability and being a light in your community. Check out this site.
Let us Know How You’ve Done
Each semester we try to gather statistics on what God has done on each campus for a couple of important reasons. First, by knowing how you’ve done we can make adjustments in our strategies. Second, we can celebrate God’s faithfulness with you and how He has worked on your campus. It is always good from time to time to stop and take assessments so that we can be making proper changes in all that we do for His kingdom.
Would you appoint a person from your campus to take 6-8 minutes to fill out your campus stats? If you’re reading this it might be you. If you’ve done stats already this semester, simply count the stats from the last time you did them. It’s a super easy process. Simply go to this site http://godsquad.com/leading/reportingin/report.htmand be sure to fill in your staff coaches name so they’ll be able to get the stats. If you could do this in the next couple of days or as soon as you can, that would be great. If your term ends in June, feel free to do this in mid-May but don’t forget.
Talk to you next week,
The Godsquad Team/Ben Rivera