Leave a Legacy
When you think about all the different Campus Crusade activities you’re involved in, there are a lot of activities. Many of you have done surveys, set up your Bible studies/weekly meetings, put up posters/flyers, have conducted leadership meetings and made phone calls/texts/emails to students. Some of you even went through all the paper work to become a recognized club on campus. All of these things are very important and all your hard work is for an eternal purpose. But there is something else.
Our Main Purpose
“Helping to fulfill the Great Commission in the power of the Holy Spirit by winning people to faith in Jesus Christ, building them in their faith and sending them to win and build others; and helping the Body of Christ do evangelism and discipleship”.
In all that you do on campus, there is one thing that will allow you to truly leave a legacy. Be on the look out for men and women who are showing potential to become leaders on your campus this year. You will be working with everybody but you will give extra focus and time to those faithful students who will someday take your place when you’ve graduated or to replace those who are in their last semester/year at your school.
Be Sure Everything Transfers to Your Leaders
Train those who you feel are up and coming leaders, to share their faith, lead Bible studies, do follow-up, and overall to be the leader that God wants them to be. Understand their gifting, strengths and talents so that you will challenge and delegate to them activities that they’ll be good at and motivated to do.
In everything you do, be sure you’re modeling it to your new disciples so they will follow in your footsteps. Copy yourself into the lives of others. Begin now, to look for whom you will pour your life into. If you wait until the spring semester you will have lost some very valuable time. Leave a legacy that will outlast you on your campus. Begin today.
Ben Rivera/The GodSquad Team