How to Keep Making a Difference

It is always great to hear of what God is doing on campuses across the U.S. in bringing people into a relationship with Himself.

At the University of Florida, here’s what’s happened according to the staff: “This year we wanted to do something different. Our first weekly meeting we decided to present the gospel as part of the main talk.  We had just under 1,100 students. As the gospel was presented, 86 people indicated a decision to follow Jesus!”

A survivor of the 9-11 terror attack in NYC, Sujo John, has been speaking all over the country in Campus Crusade meetings telling his story and sharing a clear presentation of the gospel.  On just one campus in Chadron, Nebraska – 406 students attended the meeting with 109 making decisions to place their trust in Christ.

The Maze, a traveling illusionist – Jim Monroe, has been dazzling crowds of students on campuses wherever he goes.  Jim also shares a straight-forward gospel presentation after his big meetings on campus.  At the University of Kentucky, on September 19-20, in one meeting 993 students attended with 117 indicating a decision to trust Christ.  Then on September 21 at Moorhead University, 600 students attended his illusion program and saw 120 place their trust in Christ.

Think of how many students you could potentially reach if you could put on a special event once a month?  There really are a lot of creative ideas that you can try on campus that may or may not include a special speaker.  But you can put on your own special event that can give many people a chance to hear the gospel message with an opportunity for follow-up.   If you are able to put on a special evangelistic event, no matter how big or small, think of the potential for making Christ a great issue on your campus.  Check out this site for more ideas:

And don’t forget about two great tools you can buy and use on campus in addition to the “Knowing God Personally” booklet – a favorite for many campuses

and Very creative idea for one-on-one conversations.

Ask your staff member about ordering these for you.

Stay encouraged, God is moving in the lives of students.  Work together with your other student leaders to stay on the cutting edge of getting the gospel out on your campus.  Make a difference on your campus.

Talk to you next week,

Ben Rivera/The GodSquad Team