Stay Active In Follow-Up
If you are into the first or second week of your fall semester, there are some important things to note. Your very best window of opportunity in connecting with the students, who are most open to getting involved with you this year, is quickly closing. Initially, students come to school with an open schedule and a potentially more open heart to the gospel. Soon the college experience begins to put doubts in their mind about God and spiritual things. Careful, rapid, and intentional follow-up of all your surveys and opening semester activities is important now more then ever.
The Big Six
First, be armed with the gospel message in your mind and heart so you will be prepared to share with others. Take all your students on a short 30 minute journey, training them in the Big Six. You can find it here:
You can do this training as a part of your weekly meeting, Bible Study or one-on-one training.
After you’ve gone through the training, practice reading out loud to each other the “Knowing God Personally” (KGP) booklet in small groups or in pairs. This helps to prime the pump of evangelism. When students hear themselves reading the words of the KGP booklet, they’re more prepared to share it in a live situation. Remember to use some opening questions to help you introduce the KGP. The Quest Surveys 1.0 are easy to start with. Here they are:
Be sure to go to page 4 and look specifically at “Quest, 1.0, Life Perspective”.
Follow-Up For New Or Young Believers
Once you understand that students are true believers, here is some great material to help them become grounded in the basics of their faith and what they believe:
As with the Big Six, you can cover this material and adapt it to your weekly meetings, Bible studies, or one-on-one.
Talk to you next week,
Ben Rivera/GodSquad and CruPressGreen Team