Who Does The Work?

Weekly Tip #10, Fall 2016

Jesus Christ crown of thorns and nail

In Matthew 16:13-17, Jesus had been active in ministry with His disciples listening and watching as He ministered to the people. At one point, we pick up the story of Jesus asking Peter a special question. Here’s what He said,

Notice the powerful words from Jesus to Peter in verse 17 – For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven. His words communicate that it is a movement of God that will move in people’s hearts to understand who He is. We also know that it is the Holy Spirit that will draw people to God and the message of Christ.

We need to pray that God would move powerfully in the hearts of people as we share the Gospel with those around us. We are His ambassadors to help fulfill the Great Commission of Christ as found in Matthew 28:19-20. But it is always God who has to work. Our responsibility is to pray, go out and witness to others and trust God to do the work.

Forever, For Always, And No Matter What


A number of years ago for Christmas I gave my wife a plaque with the saying, “Forever, For Always, And No Matter What.” It rests on the wall above our fireplace mantle. It is a reminder that my commitment to her is until death do us part.

This also reminds me of our commitment in ministry – “Our goal is Spiritual Multiplication, so that everyone who will listen will hear the Gospel message.” We train, teach and model to our disciples, solid ministry principles and practices. They in turn, will be able to train and teach the same things to others, to the third and fourth generations.

What about you? Is your ministry one of gathering Christians and settling in with who is in your ministry currently? On the other hand, are you committed to reaching out continually on your campus, sharing the gospel message and following up on everyone who is interested? Helping people become multiplying disciples is our goal. Don’t settle for the status quo. Keep throwing out the gospel net widely and see who places their trust in Christ as God leads.

Great suggestion to start with this week – train everyone and/or make sure everyone understands how to communicate the Knowing God Personally booklet and the Big Six questions.


Talk to you next week,

Ben with Cru